Happy Birthday, Blog!

It was one year ago today that I started this blog. I’ve connected with lots of great people who have offered sage advice – thank you! – and have found an outlet for all the writing-related miscellany teeming in my head.

I’ve had visitors from 35 different countries. Wow!

Some strange search terms have brought people my way. Few have to do with writing though – most refer to either my tattoo or my typewriters. A few of my favourites:

  • Nicole Bross – guys? it’s nicolebross.com. Who keeps searching this over and over?
  • make sure your worst enemy is not living between your own two ears – Sage advice…
  • do not give up tattoo – close, I suppose.
  • actors who played werewolves – Michael J. Fox? I’ve never discussed this before.
  • can i call myself award winning – Now that you’ve reached this blog, yes you can!
  • bathroom mirror pictures facebook – OMG I hate it when people do this. Why why why?
  • you are not ordinary for me – Thanks, love. You’re a peach.
  • you rise and shine and i’ll – Yes that was the complete search term. I don’t even know.
  • longest thing ever written – Not this blog, that’s for sure.
  • introduction to my mind – Pie’s always a good start with me.
  • been procrastinating for days now, it’s not even funny anymore. – TELL ME ABOUT IT.
  • it feels like my mind is unraveling – TELL ME ABOUT IT.

Anyway, happy anniversary to me. When I look back at where I was a year ago, I can’t believe how much I’ve accomplished. I hope the next year brings much more of the same.


Do You Ever Really Stop Rewriting?


My Stargate Typewriter


  1. Wooooop!! Congratulations on the first Blogiversary Nicole! Personally, I’m delighted I stumbled across your fabulous blog (not from a bizarre search term, I hasten to add) and I too hope the next year brings much much more of the same.

  2. I had a thought that maybe ‘you rise and shine and i’ll…’ was part of a song lyric, although why it would link to you is anybody’s guess.
    I’m curious, though…where do you unearth this search info? Under blog stats? I would like to check mine…if I dare. 😀

    • I think it is part of a lyric actually, from the search I did. I don’t see my page anywhere in the first five pages or so… very odd. If you want to see your search terms, you can check them from your stats page under Search Engine Terms, choose Summaries and then pick your time frame! I find them hilarious. 🙂

  3. Happy Blog Birthday! I just had my first one on the 9th. Congratulations on your journey! 🙂

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